Variegated yellow archangel removal

Not sure how to deal with Variegated yellow archangel? We’re here to help with advice and provide a complete removal package


What is Variegated yellow archangel?

Variegated yellow archangel (Lamiastrum galeobdolon argentatum) is a herbaceous perennial plant with variegated green and silver leaves as well as small, yellow flowers. It belongs to the mint family and its origin is somewhat unknown. The plant has a low-growing habit, often used as groundcover in gardens. It blooms in late spring to early summer, attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies.

However, over the last few years, Variegated yellow archangel has become invasive in the UK, outcompeting native plants and disrupting local ecosystems. Due to its potential harm, it is presently an offence under Section 14 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act in England and Wales to plant or otherwise cause to grow this species in the wild.

What does it look like?

Variegated yellow archangel has a very distinctive appearance:

Its leaves grow in pairs along the stems and have a serrated or toothed edge. The arrangement of the leaves gives the plant a unique appearance, resembling wings, which contributes to its name “archangel.”

During late spring to early summer, Variegated yellow archangel produces small, tubular yellow flowers that add a pop of colour to the plant.

The stems of Variegated yellow archangel are square, a characteristic common to many plants in the mint family. This feature is noticeable when you touch and roll the stems between your fingers.

Find out more on our Variegated yellow archangel identification page.


What damage is caused by Variegated yellow archangel?

Variegated yellow archangel (Lamiastrum galeobdolon argentatum) can potentially cause several types of damage to the environment:

Ecological disruption

As a non-native invasive species, the plant tends to spread rapidly and form dense colonies, outcompeting native vegetation. This can lead to the displacement of these native species, impacting their natural habitat structure and composition, causing imbalances in ecosystems.


The alteration of plant communities caused by Variegated yellow archangel can result in changes to wildlife habitat. Some animals may rely on specific plant species for foraging, nesting, shelter, or food and the presence of the plant may negatively impact these activities.

Inhibition of seedling establishment:

The plant’s dense growth can create unfavourable conditions for the establishment of seedlings of native plants, hindering the regeneration of natural plant communities.

Legal implications

Variegated yellow archangel is listed on Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act, meaning that you must not put it in your green waste collection and should check whether your local recycling centre will accept it before taking it there.

Waste materials containing Variegated yellow archangel are considered controlled waste and must be disposed of appropriately. Therefore, it’s best to check with your local council for disposal.

Use our extensive guide to identify Variegated yellow archangel

What does Variegated yellow
archangel look like?

Prevent costly damage to your property

How can I control
Variegated yellow archangel?

It is highly recommended not to attempt DIY methods for the following reasons: 

  • Variegated yellow archangel has deep-rooted runners, which will persist and re-establish quickly, even if you believe you may have gotten rid of it on the surface.
  • You will be fully responsible for complying with controlled waste regulations when disposing of the infected soil and plant.


For this type of infestation, it is always best to talk to the professionals. At Environet, we use a wide range of techniques to control or eradicate Variegated yellow archangel from your property.

Herbicide treatment

Herbicide treatment can be considered; however, it can be a rather blunt instrument: as it will likely kill other non-target plants, particularly in garden settings. For large areas, where most plants are “target” plants, herbicide is usually the most effective option. 

Mechanical excavation

Excavating the soil that is contaminated with the runners is the surest way to remove Variegated yellow archangel infestations. However, because the plant could grow in zones which could be hard to access, and to avoid excessive damage to surrounding structures, using herbicide in conjunction with excavation is often a sensible approach.

If you would like advice or a quote, please give our friendly team a call today.

With over 25 years’ experience in the industry, Environet is the UK’s leading invasive plant removal company. During this time, we’ve dealt with some of the UK’s most common non-native invasive plants including Japanese knotweed, Bamboo, Giant hogweed and, of course, Variegated yellow archangel.

We specialise in helping both homeowners and developers across the UK, as well as organisations such as councils and housing associations.

Whether you need to identify a potentially invasive plant or need professional removal, contact the team at Environet today.


To Start Fixing your Variegated yellow archangel Problem Today

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All our staff have health and safety and emergency first aid training. We are also accredited by CHAS and Constructionline and are members of the Property Care Association (PCA).


Our team of experts is available between 9am and 5:30pm, Monday to Friday to answer your enquiries and advise you on the next steps

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Need quick plant identification?

Simply upload a few images of your problem plant to our identification form and one of our invasive plant experts will take a look and let you know, free of charge what you are dealing with. We’ll also be there to help with next steps where necessary. 

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